Sparkly Deals and Discounts
Promo Code Questions
You can find our latest promo codes on our Deals & Discounts page. We also send exclusive codes to our email subscribers and share them on our social media channels
To use a promo code, add your items to the cart, proceed to checkout, and enter your code in the “Discount Code” box at checkout. Click “Apply” to see your discount!
Generally, promo codes cannot be combined - only one code can be applied per order. However, you may be able to combine a discount with free shipping or other site-wide offers. Please check the terms and conditions of each promo to see if this applies to your order.
Check to make sure the code is entered exactly as it appears. If the issue persists, the code may have expired or not apply to the items in your cart. It may have a minimum spend that needs to be met too.
Contact us for assistance!
Promo codes may or may not apply to sale items depending on the terms of the offer.
Promo codes typically do not apply to gift cards. Please refer to the specific terms of the promo for any exceptions.
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Promo codes must be applied during checkout. Unfortunately, we cannot retroactively apply a promo code to an order once it’s been completed.
We offer promo codes periodically, especially during special sales events and holidays. Be sure to check back regularly or sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop!